Here's a quick MouseStick II set for use with "Wolfenstein 3D". Someone posted a message in the Wolfenstein folder requesting this, so here it is. It works, but it could probably be improved upon.
To use, drop the set into your "MouseStick Sets" folder in your "System Folder", open your MouseStick Control Panel, click on the "Wolfenstein" set, and drag it to your MouseStick.
Button 1 (the trigger) fires your weapon. Hold down for rapid fire.
Button 2 (flat upper ) used with the stick will make you run.
Button 3 (flat lower) opens doors, throws switches, etc.
Button 4 (left thumb) is strafe sideways
Button 5 (right thumb) switches weapons.
Hope you enjoy it! : )
--Brandt Despain
MouseStick II Set Report for set "Wolfenstein"
Stick Control
Mode: 4 Direction Keystrokes
Left: Crsr Lt key held down
Right: Crsr Rt key held down
Forward: Crsr Up key held down
Back: Crsr Dn key held down
Center: undefined.
Button Control
Button 1: Single Click: 1 Key, " Ctl " sent continuously at rate 8
Button 2: Single Click: 1 Key, " Shft " sent continuously at rate 1
Button 3: Single Click: 1 Key, " Spc " sent once.
Button 4: Single Click: 1 Key, " Opt " sent continuously at rate 8